材料 Ingredients
1. | 將魚洗乾淨後在魚身斜劃三刀﹐兩面都要。這樣魚比較入味﹐內部也比較容易煎熟 |
2. | 用紙巾將魚擦乾﹐以免煎的時候油爆。 |
3. | 將鹽均勻抹在魚身上﹐兩面及切口部份都要抹到。 |
4. | 熱鍋後加入三大匙油﹐等油熱後加入薑片小火煎到黃。 |
5. | 轉大火。魚入鍋煎2分鐘再用中火煎4分鐘。魚翻面﹐同樣大火煎2分鐘後用中火煎4分鐘。 |
6. | 將魚盛出裝在長盤中。用紙巾將多餘的油吸乾(兩面都要吸) 。 |

1. | Clean the fish. Cut 3 diagonal lines on each side of the fish, deep to the bone. |
2. | Dry the fish with a paper towel to avoid oil spill while pan-frying. |
3. | Spread the salt over the fish, on both sides and the inside of the cut. |
4. | Heat the pan and add 3 tbs of oil. Add the ginger slices and brown them at low heat. |
5. | Turn the heat to high. Add the fish and pan-fry it for 2 minutes. Turn the heat down to medium and continue pan-frying for another 4 minutes. Turn over the fish, apply the same procedure (pan-fry at high heat for 2 min then pay-fry at medium heat for 4 min.). |
6. | Place the fish on a plate. Use a paper towel to wipe off the excess oil on the both sides of the fish. |
最後更新 (Last Update): 09/09/2013
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