Pearl Meatballs
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1. | Prepare the Meat Filling. You can add some minced dried shrimp, minced mushroom or minced water chestnut to the Meat Filling as you like. |
2. | Soak the glutinous rice in water for at least 3 hours, the water must cover the rice. |
3. | Drain the rice and pat dry with paper towels. Mix the rice with 1 tbs. of corn starch on a big plate. |
4. | Place some meat filling on your palm. Close your palm loosely and form a circle opening with your index finger and thumb. Push the meat through the opening and form a small ball. Use the back of a spoon to smooth the surface of the meatball then place it onto the rice. Coat each meatball with rice and roll it between your palms to make it round. |
5. | Line parchment paper on the bottom of a steamer. Place the meatballs in the steamer and top each meatball with one dried wolfberry. Steam the meatballs over medium heat until done, approx. 20 minutes. |

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1. | 準備鮮肉餡。你可隨各人喜好加入蝦米丁,香菇丁,荸薺丁..等。 |
2. | 將糯米泡在水裡至少3個小時,水要蓋過糯米,這樣米才能蒸透。 |
3. | 將泡好的糯米濾出並用紙巾擦乾,裝盤後拌入太白粉放在一旁備用。 |
4. | 拿起一團絞肉,由虎口擠出小丸,用湯匙背面將肉丸抹平再放到糯米上。將肉丸滾上糯米後揉圓。 |
5. | 蒸籠底部鋪上烘培紙。裝進糯米丸子後,每個丸子上擺一粒枸杞子。用中火蒸熟,約20分鐘。 |

最後更新 (Last Update): 01/05/2021
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