牛肉燒蘿蔔 Braised Beef with Carrot & Daikon

材料 A Ingredients A
牛腱 Beef Shank 1 個 ea
水 Water 4 杯 cup
洋蔥 Onion1 個 each
薑 Ginger 1 小塊 small chunk
八角 Star anise2 顆 each
黑胡椒 Black pepper 1 小匙 tsp
材料 B Ingredients B
紅蘿蔔 Carrto 2/3 bang磅 lb (300g)
白蘿蔔 Daikon 1 磅 lb (450g)
醬油 Soy sauce1/3 杯 cup
鹽 Salt 1 小匙 tsp
糖 Sugar 1/2 小匙 tsp
材料 C Ingredients C
蔥 Scallion2 根 Stalk

2.燒熱 2/3 鍋水。牛腱切成小塊﹐在滾水裡燙 3 分鐘再用冷水沖洗乾淨。熱水倒掉。
3.將牛肉和材料 A放進鍋裡用大火燒滾。撇掉浮在湯上的泡沫及渣渣。轉成小火加蓋煮 1 個小時。
4.將材料 B放進鍋裡繼續煮 20分鐘或到蘿蔔變軟但不要太爛。裝盤後撒上蔥花即可食用。

1.Peel the carrots & daikons and cut them into small chunks. Cut the onion into the same size of chunk. Mince the scallion. Crush the ginger.
2.Boil 2/3 pot of water. Cut the beef shank into small chunks. Place the beef in the boiling water and cook for 3 minutes. Take out the beef and discard the water. Wash the beef roughly.
3.Place Ingredient A in a pot and cook in high heat until the soup is boiling. Skim off the foam on top of the soup. Turn the heat down to low and simmer for 1 hour.
4.Add ingredient B in the pot and continue to cook for another 20 minutes or until the carrots & diakons are tender but not soggy. Sprinkle the minced onion over the dish for decoration and flavor.

最後更新 (Last Update): 08/18/2013
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