材料 Ingredients
1. | 豬肉切成 4cm 方塊後用滾水燙3分鐘﹐水要蓋過豬肉。撈出豬肉用冷水沖洗乾淨。 |
2. | 蔥洗乾淨切成兩段﹐薑拍碎。 |
3. | 將紅燒醬汁準備好。 |
4. | 將紅燒醬汁和水放進鍋裡用大火燒開﹐再加入蔥﹐薑和豬肉。轉小火加蓋繼續煮40分鐘。 |
5. | 加入百葉結與肉和醬汁拌勻﹐繼續用中小火煮 20分鐘。如果醬汁還剩很多﹐開大火把醬汁燒到濃稠。丟棄薑和蔥。 |

1. | Cut the pork into 1.5" cubes. Put the pork in boiling water and cook for 3 minutes. The water needs to be over the pork. Take out the pork cubes and wash them under running water. |
2. | Wash the scallion and cut it in halves. Crush the ginger. |
3. | Prepare the Brown Sauce. |
4. | Boil the Brown Sauce and water in a pot. Add the scallion, ginger and pork. Cover and simmer the pork in low heat for 40 minutes. |
5. | Mix in the bean curd bowties. Continue cooking in medium heat for another 20 minutes. If the sauce remains a lot, turn the heat up to high and cook until the sauce becomes thick. Discard the scallion and ginger. |
最後更新 (Last Update): 08/18/2013
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