材料 Ingredients
1. | 牛尾用滾水燙3分鐘﹐水要蓋過牛尾。撈出牛尾用冷水沖洗乾淨。番茄去皮去籽切塊。洋蔥切大塊。 |
2. | 將紅燒番茄醬汁準備好。 |
3. | 鍋內2大匙油燒熱﹐放進洋蔥快炒到有香味後加入番茄略炒。 |
4. | 加入牛尾﹐紅燒茄汁及 2 杯水用大火燒滾。 |
5. | 將火關小成中小火。加蓋繼續燜煮1個小時到牛尾變爛。 |
6. | 如果醬汁還剩很多﹐開大火將醬汁收乾到肉的一半高度。 |
7. | 裝盤後撒上一些蔥花。 |

1. | Put the ox tails in boiling water for 3 minutes. The water needs to be over the ox tails. Take out the ox tails and wash them under running water. Skin & seed the tomato. Cut it into big chunks. Peel and cut the onion into big chunks. |
2. | Prepare the Tomato Sauce. |
3. | Heat 2 tbs of oil in a wok. Add the onion and stir-fry until aromatic. Add the tomato and stir slightly |
4. | Add the ox tails, water and the Tomato Sauce and cook in high heat until the mixture is boiling. |
5. | Turn down the heat to medium-low. Continue cooking until the ox tails are tender, approx. 1 hours. |
6. | Turn up the heat to high and cook until the sauce reduces to the half height of the ox tails. |
7. | Place the ox tails in a deep dish and sprinkle minced scallion on top of them. |
最後更新 (Last Update): 08/19/2013
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