燙炒油菜 Sautéed You-Choy

材料 Ingredients
油菜 You-Choy 1-1/2 磅 lb (675g)
油 Cooking oil 2 大匙 Tbs
鹽 Salt 1/2 小匙 tsp
無鹽高湯 Unsalted stock 2 大匙 Tbs
酒 Cooking wine 1 大匙 Tbs

1.將油菜對切成兩半﹐把梗子和葉子分開 (梗子如果太粗的話﹐直切成兩半)。將菜放在水龍頭下沖洗﹐菜心的部份尤其要留意。
2.炒菜鍋加水到一半的地方﹐用大火燒滾。 另外準備一盆冰水。
3.將洗好的油菜梗子先放進滾水內燙30秒後﹐再放入葉子燙 10 秒。馬上撈出放入冰水內。 等菜都涼透後﹐濾乾放在一旁備用。
4. 2 大匙油在鍋內燒熱﹐倒入油菜快炒30秒。

1.Cut the you-choy in halves to separate the stems and the leaves. If any stem is too big, cut it lengthwise in halves. Wash the you-choy under running water, pay extra attention to the heart part.
2.Heat half pot of water until boiling. Fill a big bowl with water and ice.
3.Place you-choy stems into the boiling water and blanch for 30 seconds. Add the leaves and blanch for another 10 seconds. Transfer the you-choy to the ice water immediately. Wait until the you- choy is completely cool down and drain the water.
4.Heat 2 tbs of oil in a wok. Add the you-choy and sauté for 30 seconds.
5.Add the salt, wine & stock and cooking for 2 minutes, or until reaching the desired tenderness. Serve hot.

最後更新 (Last Update): 08/18/2013
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