材料 Ingredients
1. | 將杏鮑菇用水沖去灰塵雜質後立刻擦乾。直切成粗片。 |
2. | 烤盤燒熱後噴上一點油。 |
3. | 將杏鮑菇片鋪在烤盤上﹐在爐子上用中火烤2分鐘。 |
4. | 將杏鮑菇片翻面﹐均勻撒上鹽。再用中火烤 2 分鐘。 |
5. | 裝盤後撒上蔥花和檸檬皮屑。 |

1. | Wash the mushrooms quickly and dry them immediately. Cut the mushrooms lengthwise into thick slices. |
2. | Spray the grill pan with PAM oil. |
3. | Place the mushroom slices on the grill pan and grill them on a stove at medium heat for 2 minutes. |
4. | Turn the mushroom slices over. Sprinkle the salt evenly over the mushrooms. Grill them for another 2 minutes. |
5. | Place the mushrooms on a plate and sprinkle diced scallions and lemon zest on the top. |
最後更新 (Last Update): 08/09/2013
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