Radish & Sausage Pancakes
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1. | Prepare the Half Boiled Dough and Radish and Sausage Filling. |
2. | Divide the dough into 20 pieces (approx. 36g per piece) and form each one into a cone shape. Place the dough pieces in a deep dish and cover with oil. Let the dough be soaked in oil for at least 2 hours. |
3. | Roll a dough piece into a thin, transparent T shape strip (see photo below). Place 45g of filling on the wide side of the dough strip. Fold the left and right corners over the filling. Then, take the folded filling and fold over itself until you reach the end. Form the dough into a ball, then gently press it down to make a round cake shape. Repeat this step for the rest of the dough and filling. |
4. | If not cooking the pancakes right away, place them on a plate; cover with a plastic wrap and store the plate in a freezer. After the pancakes are frozen, repack them in a plastic bag and store the bag in a freezer. |
5. | Add 3 tbs. of oil and pancakes to a heated pan; cover and pan-fry over low heat for 5 minutes. Uncover and turn the pancakes over; pan-frying over medium-low heat until the bottom is golden brown. Turn the pancakes over again; continue pan-frying until the other side is golden brown too. |

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1. | 準備半燙麵麵團和臘腸蘿蔔絲餡。 |
2. | 燙麵麵團分成20等份(每份大約36克),每份揉成圓椎狀後放入深盤裡。倒入食用油蓋過麵團,放在一旁靜置至少2個小時。 |
3. | 將一個麵團桿成T型透明的薄長條(見下圖)。取45克左右的餡放在麵片寬的一端,把左,右,上的麵皮拉過來蓋住餡,再往下折,一直折到底部。折完的麵團整圓後略壓使其成餅狀。剩餘的餡和皮依樣包好。 |
4. | 做好的蘿蔔絲餅如果不馬上食用,放在盤子上用保潔膜包好,再放進冷凍庫。等結凍後放進塑膠袋內,置於冰庫中保存。 |
5. | 平底鍋燒熱放進3大匙油。放進蘿蔔絲餅,加蓋用小火煎5分鐘。拿開蓋子後將餅翻面,繼續用中小火煎到底部呈金黃色。再翻面煎到另一面也呈金黃色。 |

最後更新 (Last Update): 01/18/2021
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