材料 A Ingredients A
油 Cooking oil | 4 | 大匙 Tbs |
辣豆瓣醬 Hot soybean paste | 1 | 大匙 Tbs |
辣油 Chili oil | 2 | 大匙 Tbs |
花椒粉 Chinese chili powder | 1 | 小匙 tsp |
大蒜 Garlic | 8 | 瓣 clove |
醬油 Soy sauce | 1/3 | 杯 cup |
鹽 Salt | 1 | 小匙 tsp |
蔥 Scallion | 2 | 根 Stalk |
1. | 燒開 2/3鍋的水。牛肉切成 5cm x 5cm 方塊﹐用滾水燙3分鐘﹐水要蓋過牛肉。撈出牛肉用冷水沖洗乾淨。 |
2. | 洋蔥切大塊。薑切片。蒜拍碎。蔥切斜片。 |
3. | 將材料 A 全部放進鍋裡用大火燒滾。撇掉浮在湯上的泡沫及渣渣。轉成小火加蓋煮 1-1/2 個小時。將牛肉和洋蔥撈出放在一旁備用﹐剩餘的湯汁濾乾淨後可做為牛肉高湯。 |
4. | 另起一個鍋子﹐燒熱 4 大匙油後加入辣豆瓣醬﹐大蒜﹐辣油和花椒粉爆香。 |
5. | 加入牛肉﹐和剩餘的 B 料拌炒到牛肉著色。 |
6. | 加 2 杯原先煮牛肉剩的湯汁。將火關小成中小火。加蓋繼續燜煮到牛肉變爛﹐約 30分鐘。 |
7. | 裝盤後撒上一些蔥花。 |

1. | Boil 2/3 pot of water. Cut the beef into 5cm x 5cm cubes. Place the beef in the boiling water for 3 minutes. Take out the beef and discard the water. Wash the beef roughly. |
2. | Cut the onion in to large chucks. Slice the ginger. Crush the garlic. Diagonally slice the scallion. |
3. | Place ingredients A in a pot and bring them into a boil. Skim off the foams on top of the soup. Turn the heat down to low and simmer for 1-1/2 hour. Set the beef and onion aside. Filter the remain soup for beef stock. |
4. | Heat 3 tbs oil on another pan. Add the hot soy bean sauce, garlic, Chinese chili powder and sauté until aromatic. |
5. | Add the beef and the remain ingredient B. Stir-fry until the beef cubes are with soy sauce color. |
6. | Add 2 cups of beef stock. Turn the heat into medium-low. Cover and cook until the beef are tender, approx 30 minutes. |
7. | Sprinkle minced scallion over the beef before serve. |
最後更新 (Last Update): 07/24/2013
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