材料 Ingredients
1. | 油豆腐包放進滾水中燙1分鐘去油味。撈出沖冷水後擠乾。將油豆腐從中間剪開(但不要剪斷)。 |
2. | 粉絲用冷水泡軟剪成3cm小段。蔥洗乾淨後切成蔥花。白菜洗乾淨後切成大塊。 |
3. | 將紅燒醬汁準備好。 |
4. | 3 大匙油燒熱後加入絞肉炒散﹐再加入蔥花用大火爆香。加入粉絲﹐醬油﹐白胡椒和 ½ 杯水用中火煮到粉絲變軟汁收乾後盛出放在一旁待涼。 |
5. | 將粉絲肉餡塞入油豆腐包中。 |
6. | 將做好的豆包很白菜放進鍋裡﹐加入紅燒醬汁和 2 杯水用中火燴煮到醬汁剩至1/3即可。 |

1. | Blanching the tofu pouches in boiling waterfor 1 minute to get rid of oil smell. Transfer the tofu pouches into cold water to let them cool down then squeeze the water out. Cut each pouch in half (do not cut through) then gently open the pouch. |
2. | Soak the bean threads in cold water until soft. Cut them into 1" segments. Wash and mince the scallions. Cut the Napa cabbage into big pieces. |
3. | Prepare the Brown Sauce. |
4. | Add 3 Tbs. of oil and the ground pork to a heated wok. Sauté over high heat until loose. Add the minced scallions and cook until aromatic. Add the bean threads, soy sauce, white pepper and ½ cup of water. Cook over medium heat until the bean threads are soft. Set the meat/bean tread mixture aside. |
5. | Stuff the tofu pouch with the meat filling/bean thread mixture. |
6. | Place the stuffed tofu pouches and Napa Cabbage in the same wok. Add the Brown Sauce and 2 cups of water. Cook over medium-low heat until the sauce is reduced to 1/3. |
最後更新 (Last Update): 07/29/2013
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