上湯 Consommé

材料 Ingredients
雞架子 Whole chicken bone 1 個 each
里肌肉 Pork loin 1/2 磅 lb (225g)
火腿 Virginia Ham 1/2 磅 lb (225g)
蝦米 Dried shrimp 1 大匙 Tbs
酒 Cooking wine 1 大匙 Tbs
蔥 Scallion 1 支 stalk
薑 Ginger1 片 slice
黑胡椒粒 Black pepper corn1 大匙 Tbs
水 Water10 杯 cup

2.燒開 2/3鍋的水。放進雞骨架﹐豬肉和火腿用滾水燙3分鐘﹐水要蓋過肉。將水倒掉後再注入10 杯清水。
3.將所有材料放進鍋裡用大火燒滾。撇掉浮在湯上的泡沫及渣滓。轉成小火加蓋煮 2 個小時即可。

1.Wash the scallion and cut it into half. Cut the pork and ham into small pieces.
2.Bring 2/3 pot of water to a boil. Place the chicken bones, pork and ham into the boiling water and cook for 3 minutes. The water needs to be over the meat. Drain out the water and add 10 cups of clean water.
3. Place all other ingredients in the pot and bring the soup into a boil. Skim off the foams on top of the soup. Turn the heat down to low and simmer for 2 hours.
4.Wait until the soup is cool down. Store the soup in a refrigerator until the fat on top becomes solid. Skim off of the fat.
5.Pour the soup through a strainer. Reserve the soup and discard the others.


最後更新 (Last Update): 07/12/2013
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