螃蟹處理 Handle Crabs
1. | 將活螃蟹背部朝上﹐用一根筷子插入背部中心略微凹陷的地方。等到螃蟹不再掙扎時拔出筷子。 |
2. | 將螃蟹用刷子刷洗乾淨。 |
3. | 用刀將蟹殼和身體連接出開出一道小縫後將蟹殼剝開。 |
4. | 拿掉蟹腮和內臟和訂部的一塊蟹殼。用剪刀剪掉多餘的薄膜和軟殼。 |
5. | 將螃蟹和蟹殼在水龍頭下略微沖洗。 |
6. | 將螃蟹從中對切成兩半。再將每隻腳剁下來﹐身體部份切成 4 塊或 6 塊。 |
7. | 用刀背將每隻蟹腳敲裂。 |

1. | Lay the crab shell-side down. Insert a chopstick into the sunken, center part of the crab. Pull out the chopstick when the crab stops struggling. |
2. | Brush the crab under running water. |
3. | Use a knife to crake the bottom part that joins the shell and the body. Use your hand to pull the shell apart. |
4. | Take out the internal organs. Cut off any unwanted membranes and soft shells. |
5. | Roughly wash the crab and the shell. |
6. | Cut the crab in half. Chop off the claws and legs. Cut the body into 4 or 6 pieces. |
7. | Crack the claws and legs by using the back of a knife. |
螃蟹肉 Picked Crab Meat
1. | 將活螃蟹在水龍頭下刷洗乾淨。 |
2. | 燒滾3/4鍋水,加入一顆檸檬(切開),少許鹽和螃蟹加蓋煮11-15分鐘,視螃蟹大小。 |
3. | 取出螃蟹待涼。用刀將蟹殼和身體連接出開出一道小縫後將蟹殼剝開。拿掉蟹腮和內臟和頂部的一塊蟹殼。用剪刀剪掉多餘的薄膜和軟殼。 |
4. | 將螃蟹從中對切成兩半。再將每隻腳剁下來﹐身體部份切成 4 塊。用刀背將每隻蟹腳敲裂或用剪刀剪開取出蟹肉。 |

1. | Brush the crab under running water. |
2. | Boil a ¾-full pot of water. Add one lemon (cut in half), little salt and the crab. Cover and cook for 11-15 minutes, depending on the size of the crab. |
3. | Remove the crab from the pot and set it aside to cool down. Use a knife to crake the bottom part that joints the shell and the body. Use your hand to pull the shell apart. Remove the internal organs. Cut off any unwanted membranes and soft shells. |
4. | Chop off the claws and legs. Then cut the body into 4 or 6 pieces. Crack the claws and legs by using the back of a knife or a crab cracker. You can also scissor the crab open. Remove the meat from the shell. |
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