材料 Ingredients
1. | 蘆筍洗乾淨斜切成 5cm 小段。紅蔥頭切片。 |
2. | 熱 2 大匙油﹐加入紅蔥頭爆香。加入蘆筍翻炒數下。 |
3. | 加入鹽和黑胡椒調味。用中大火炒蘆筍到喜歡的軟度。 |

1. | Wash the asparagus and cut them diagonally into 2 inch segments. Slice the shallot. |
2. | Heat 2 tbs oil in a wok. Add the shallot and sauté until aromatic. Add the asparagus and stir several times. |
3. | Add the salt and black pepper for seasoning. Stir-fry in medium high heat until the asparagus reach desired tenderness. Serve hot. |
最後更新 (Last Update): 07/03/2013
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