生菜蝦鬆 Minced Shrimp in Lettuce Cups

材料 Ingredients
生菜 Lettuce 1 顆 head
蝦仁 Shelled shrimp2/3 磅 lb (300 g)
香腸 Chinese sausage 1 根 each
熟竹筍 Cooked bamboo shoot 1 小塊 small chunk
香菇 Shitake mushrrom 4 朵 ea
蔥 Scallion1 支 stalk
油條 Chinese Donut1/2 條 each
食用油 Cooking oil 2 大匙 Tbs
基本醃料(淡) Light basic marinade 1 份 portion
蠔油 Oyster sauce 1/2 大匙 Tbs
清炒醬汁 Light sauté sauce 1/2 份 portion

Note: Chinese donut can be substituted with potato chips or fried wonton wrap.

5.將蝦仁用基本醃料醃 15 分鐘。
6.鍋燒熱加入2大匙油。 先炒香香菇和香腸,再加入蝦丁和筍丁炒至8分熟。

1.Cut the head of the lettuce. Gently peel each leaf off and wash under running water. Cut the large leaf in half. For a prettier presentation, trim the leaf into round cup-shapes.
2.Devein and wash the shrimp. Make sure that all the mucus on the body is gone. Dry the shrimp thoroughly with paper towels. Then, dice the shrimp.
3.Soak the shitake mushrooms in water until soft. Clean and dice the scallion. Also dice the mushroom, bamboo shoot and sausage. Crush the Chinese donut.
4.Prepare the Light Sauté sauce. Omit the water in the recipe.
5.Marinate the shrimp with the Light Basic Marinade for 15 min.
6.Heat a wok and add 2 tbs. of oil. Stir fry the mushrooms and sausage first until it is aromatic. Add the shrimp and bamboo shoot. Stir fry until 80% done.
7.Add the Light Sauté Sauce and oyster sauce. Continue stirring until the shrimp is done. Then mix in the scallion and Chinese Donut.

最後更新 (Last Update): 07/02/2013©
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