Boiled Jiao-zi (Boiled Chinese Dumplings)
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1. | If not using store bought wrappers, please refer to Pasta Maker Made Chinese Dumpling Wrappers or Hand Made Chinese Dumpling Wrappers to make wrappers. |
2. | Refer to Jiao-zi Filling to prepare the filling you desire. |
3. | Place 20 grams of filling on the center of a dumpling wrapper. If using store-bough wrappers, wet the edges of the wrapper with water. Lift one edge over the filling to the other side to form a half-moon shape. Make several small folds (I made 4 folds) on one side then pinch the folds to the other side (see pictures below). Repeat this step for the rest of the filling and wrappers. |
4. | Boil a 2/3-full pot of water (the water must be covering the dumplings). Place a proper amount of dumplings in the pot. Cook over medium heat until the water is boiling again. Add 1 cup of water and cook until the dumplings are floating for 2 minutes. While cooking, occasionally stir the pot to keep the dumplings from sticking to the bottom. |
5. | Plate the dumplings. Mix soy sauce, vinegar, sesame oil and scallion in a bowl and serve as dipping sauce. |

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1. | 準備水餃皮,可用市售水餃皮。若要自製水餃皮,清參考製麵機水餃皮或手工水餃皮。 |
2. | 參考餃子餡準備你喜歡的餡料。 |
3. | 取20克的餡料放在麵皮中心。如果使用市售水餃皮,手指沾水將皮邊緣塗濕。麵皮對折成半圓型,將一邊捏出數個皺褶(我捏4折)再與另一邊捏緊(見下圖)。將剩餘水餃皮和餡料依樣包好。 |
4. | 燒滾2/3鍋的水 (水需蓋過餃子)。放進適量餃子用中火煮到水再度滾時加入1杯水。繼續煮到餃子浮起來2分鐘後即可撈出。煮時要稍微攪動一下,以免餃子沾粘鍋底。 |
5. | 將水餃裝盤。把醬油,醋,麻油和蔥花拌勻即為沾醬。 |

最後更新 (Last Update): 11/02/2020
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