蘿蔔排骨酥湯 Deep-Fried Spare Rib Soup with Daikon

材料 Ingredients
白蘿蔔 Daikon3 磅lb (1350g)
排骨酥Taiwanese Style Deep-Fried Spare Rib 1 磅 lb (450g)
豬高湯 Pork stock 6 杯 cup
鹽 Salt1 小匙 tsp

3.將電鍋外鍋放2.5 杯水 (電鍋用的量杯)。內鍋內先放蘿蔔,再放排骨酥,最後再加上燒開的高湯。加蓋煮到電鍋開關跳起來即可。

1.Wash and peel the daikon. Cut it into the same size as the fried spare rib.
2.Bring the stock to a boil.
3.Place 2.5 cups of water in a rice cooker (use the measurement cup for rice cooker). Place the daikon cubes at the bottom of the rice cooker pot. Add the fried spare rib on top of the daikon. Then pour the stock over everything. Cover and cook until the rice cooker switch is off.
Note: If you don't have a rice cooker. Steam the dish on a stove for 50 minutes.

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