材料 Ingredients
1. | 將香菇用水泡軟後與蛋一起放進肉燥內滷20分鐘。也可用現成的滷蛋和滷香菇。將滷好的蛋對切﹐香菇也每朵對切。 |
2. | 蘿蔔乾略為沖洗一下後放進鍋裡用乾鍋炒香。盛出放在一旁備用。 |
3. | 在炒鍋內燒開4杯水。等水滾的期間,將粘米粉加2杯水和1/2大匙鹽調勻。 |
4. | 將調勻的粘米粉倒入滾水中。火轉成中小火﹐然後不停地攪拌粘米粉糊﹐一直到米糊變得濃稠。此步驟最為重要﹐若攪拌到攪不動的地步﹐則蒸出來的碗粿會太硬。反之如果米糊過稀﹐則碗粿會不夠Q。 |
5. | 火關掉﹐將肉燥倒入米糊中拌勻。 |
6. | 盛適量米糊到一個碗內﹐上放2片香菇。再加些米糊後放進半個滷蛋。最後再加些米糊把飯碗填滿。用刮刀將碗面抹平。重複此步驟將米糊﹐香菇和滷蛋裝在另外5碗中。 |
7. | 將蒸籠中的水燒開。放進碗粿蒸40分鐘即可。食用時可以將碗粿扣出在盤中﹐佐以蘿蔔乾和台灣小吃沾醬。也可以直接在碗裡食用。碗粿放置幾個小時後食用口感會更好。 |

1. | Soak the shitake mushrooms in warm water until they are soft. Place the mushrooms and boiled eggs in the Taiwanese Style Meat Sauce and cook for 20 minutes. You also can use the mushrooms and eggs that are already braised. Cut each egg and mushroom in half. |
2. | Wash the dried pickled daikon. Stir-fry the daikon in a wok without oil until aromatic. Set the daikon aside. |
3. | Boil 4 cups of water in a wok. In the meantime, mix the rice flour with 2 cups of water and 1/2 tbs of salt. |
4. | Pour the rice flour mixture in the wok. Turn the heat to medium-low. Consistently stir the mixture until the mixture becomes thick and sticky. This step is very important. If you stir the mixture until it becomes very hard to stir, the texture of the rice cake will be too hard. On the contrary, if the mixture is not thick enough, the texture of the rice cake will be too soft. |
5. | Turn off the heat. Blend in the Taiwanese Style Meat Sauce. |
6. | Place some of the rice mixture on the bottom of a bowl. Add 2 pieces of mushroom on top the mixture. Add more of the mixture to cover the mushrooms. Then insert half of an egg into the mixture. Finally cover the bowl with the rice mixture. Use a spatula to smooth the surface of the mixture. Repeat this step to place the rice mixture, mushrooms & eggs into another 5 bowls. |
7. | Bring the water in a steamer to a boil. Place the bowls with the rice mixtures in the steamer and steam in high heat for 40 minutes. Serve the rice cake with dried pickled daikon and Dipping Sauce for Taiwanese Snacks. For a better taste, let the rice cakes sit for several hours before serving. |
最後更新 (Last Update): 08/02/2013©
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