材料 Ingredients
1. | 白菜逐葉洗乾淨後切成大塊。扁魚干洗去鹽份後切成2cm x 2cm小片。香菇用水泡軟後剪去硬蒂﹐大朵的則切成兩半。蝦米在水裡稍微泡一下後洗乾淨。炸豬皮略微用水沖洗一下。 |
2. | 將濃羹湯頭B和D部份準備好。 |
3. | 炒鍋燒熱後加入3大匙油。加入蝦米和扁魚爆香後再放進香菇炒1分鐘。分批加入白菜翻炒到白菜開始變軟。 |
4. | 加入高湯﹐炸豬皮和濃羹湯頭B料拌勻。加蓋用中火煮到白菜軟爛即可。起鍋前拌入濃羹湯頭D料。 |

1. | Wash the Napa cabbage leaf by leaf and cut it into large pieces. Wash the dried flounder and cut it into 0.75”x0.75” pieces. Soak the mushrooms in water until they are soft. Remove the woody stems and halve the ones that are large. Soak the dried shrimp in water for a few minutes, then wash them under running water. Also wash the fried pig skin under running water. |
2. | Prepare the ingredients from Part B & D of the Dark Potage Base recipe. |
3. | Heat 3 tbs of oil in a wok. Add the dried shrimp and dried flounder and sauté until aromatic. Add the mushrooms and sauté for another minute. Divide the cabbage into 2-3 batches and add them batch by batch into the wok. Stir the cabbage until it starts softening. |
4. | Add the stock, fried pig skin & ingredients from Part B of the Dark Potage Base recipe. Cover and cook in medium heat until the cabbage is completely soft. Blend in the ingredients from Part D of the Dark Potage Base recipe right before serving. |
最後更新 (Last Update): 08/10/2013©
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