Pork & Vegetable Wonton Soup
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1. | Prepare the Leafy Green Vegetables & Meat Filling . Pick the leafy green vegetables you like. |
2. | Place a proper amount of filling on the center of a wonton wrap. Wrap it into a wonton. To do this, please refer the pictures below or How to Wrap a Wonton. Repeat this step for the rest of wrappers and filling. |
3. | If not cooking the wontons right away, place the wontons on a plate; cover with a plastic wrap and store it in a freezer. After the wontons are frozen, re-pack them in a plastic bag and store it in a freezer. |
4. | Prepare and boil the Noodle Soup Base (use method 2). Add 20 pieces of wonton to the boiling soup and cook over medium heat until they float above the water. Occasionally stir the soup to keep the wontons from sticking to the bottom. |
5. | Ladle the cooked wontons and soup in two bowls; top with pickled Chinese mustard, egg strips, seaweed; sprinkle with minced scallion. |

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1. | 準備青菜鮮肉餡 ,選擇你喜歡的綠色葉菜。 |
2. | 適量餡放在餛飩皮中心,包成餛飩。請參考下列圖片或餛飩包法。將剩餘餛飩皮依樣包好。 |
3. | 包好的餛飩如果不馬上煮,放在盤子上用保潔膜包好,再放進冷凍庫。等結凍後將餛飩放進塑膠袋內,置於冰庫中保存。 |
4. | 準備麵湯頭並煮滾(用做法2)。放進20個餛飩用中火煮到餛飩浮起即可。中間要稍微攪動一下,以免餛飩沾粘鍋底。 |
5. | 煮好的餛飩撈出裝在兩個碗裡,舀入湯,加上榨菜絲,蛋絲和紫菜絲,最後再撒上蔥花即可。 |

最後更新 (Last Update): 12/12/2020
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