材料 Ingredients
1. | 將乾米粉在冷水裡泡軟。不要泡過軟,否則煮時會變爛。 |
2. | 將豆芽洗乾淨, 把較長的根部及帶殼的部份摘掉。韭菜洗乾淨後切成4cm小段。 |
3. | 炒鍋裡燒滾2杯高湯。加入米粉和肉燥用中火翻炒到湯汁收乾。 |
4. | 加入豆芽,韭菜和白胡椒粉拌勻。火關掉,讓鍋裡餘溫把豆芽和韭菜燜熟。 |

1. | Soak the dried rice noodles in cold water until they are soft. Do not soak them too long, otherwise they will be soggy after cooking. |
2. | Wash the bean sprouts, pinch off the longer roots and husks. Wash the garlic chives and cut them into 1.5" segments. |
3. | Heat 2 cups of stock in a wok. Add the soaked rice noodles and Taiwanese Style Meat Sauce and stir-fry at medium heat until all the stock is absorbed by the noodles. |
4. | Mix in the bean sprouts, chives and white pepper. Turn off the heat. Wait until the bean sprouts and chives are cooked through by the remaining heat. |
最後更新 (Last Update): 08/14/2013 ©
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