肉燥炒米粉 Stir-Fried Rice Noodles with a Taiwanese Style Meat Sauce

材料 Ingredients
乾米粉 Dried rice noodle 1/3 磅 lb (150g)
肉燥 Taiwanese style meat sauce 2 杯 cup
韭菜 Garlic Chive 1 杯 cup
綠豆芽 Mung been sprout 2 杯 cup
無鹽高湯 Unsalted stock 2 杯 cup
白胡椒 White pepper 1 小匙 tsp

2.將豆芽洗乾淨, 把較長的根部及帶殼的部份摘掉。韭菜洗乾淨後切成4cm小段。

1.Soak the dried rice noodles in cold water until they are soft. Do not soak them too long, otherwise they will be soggy after cooking.
2.Wash the bean sprouts, pinch off the longer roots and husks. Wash the garlic chives and cut them into 1.5" segments.
3.Heat 2 cups of stock in a wok. Add the soaked rice noodles and Taiwanese Style Meat Sauce and stir-fry at medium heat until all the stock is absorbed by the noodles.
4.Mix in the bean sprouts, chives and white pepper. Turn off the heat. Wait until the bean sprouts and chives are cooked through by the remaining heat.

最後更新 (Last Update): 08/14/2013  
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