材料 Ingredients
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1. | 大頭菜洗乾淨,削去厚皮後切成薄片。紅辣椒洗乾淨去籽切成小片。大蒜去皮切成厚片。 |
2. | 把基本涼拌醬汁準備好,並加入辣椒和蒜片拌勻。 |
3. | 將大頭菜与1/2小匙鹽在碗裡拌勻,放在一旁靜置15分鐘讓大頭菜出水。把滲出的水份倒掉。 |
4. | 把基本涼拌醬汁連大蒜和辣椒倒進碗裡与大頭彩拌勻,加蓋後放入冰箱冷藏。 |

1. | Wash and peel the kohirabi. Cut it into thin slices. Clean and seed the chili peppers and cut them into small pieces. Remove the skin of the garlic. Cut the garlic into thin slices. |
2. | Prepare the Dark Basic Dressing. Mix the chili pepper and garlic with the sauce. |
3. | Mix the kohirabi slices with ½ tsp of salt in a bowl. Set the kohirabi aside for 15 minutes and allow it to release its juice. Drain the juice from the kohirabi. |
4. | Mix the sauce with the kohirabi in the bowl. Cover and store the bowl in a refrigerator. |
最後更新 (Last Update): 10/10/2013
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