材料 Ingredients
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1. | 將洋菇和香菇用水沖洗後立即擦乾。去掉硬蒂後,每個洋菇切成4塊。大蒜去皮後切碎。 |
2. | 鍋燒熱後加入洋菇,香菇和3大匙蠔油。用中小火翻炒到兩者的體積縮小到原來的2/3。 |
3. | 加入大蒜末,繼續翻炒到水份都收乾。 |

1. | Wash the mushrooms and dry them immediately. Trim off the woody part of the stems. Cut each button mushroom into 4 pieces. Peel and mince the garlic. |
2. | Heat a wok, then add the mushrooms and 3 Tbs of Oyster sauce. Stir-fry in medium-low heat until their size of the mushrooms is reduced 1/3. |
3. | Add the minced garlic. Continue to stir-fry until all the liquid is absorbed. |
最後更新 (Last Update): 10/15/2013
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