蒜炒絲瓜 Sautéed Angled Loofah with Garlic

材料 Ingredients
澎湖絲瓜 Angled Loofah2 磅 lb (900g)
大蒜 Garlic 5 瓣 clove
鹽 Salt 1/2 小匙 tsp
水 Water 1/2 杯 cup
食用油 cooking oil 1 大匙 Tbs

1.絲瓜削皮後切成3cm x 5cm小塊。大蒜去皮後切成厚片。

1.Peel the angled loofahs and cut them into 1"x2" chunks. Remove the skin from the garlic. Cut the garlic into thick slices.
2.Add 1 Tbs. of oil to a heated wok. Add the garlic slices and sauté until aromatic.
3.Add the angled loofahs, water and salt to the wok and stir several times. Cover and simmer at medium-low heat for 1.5 minutes, or until the loofahs reach the desired tenderness.

最後更新 (Last Update): 10/09/2013
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