材料 Ingredients
1. | 雞腿肉切成 4cm x 4cm 小塊。 |
2. | 將雞肉與醬油,糖,鹽,清酒,蒜泥和薑泥在碗裡拌勻後醃至少30分鐘。 |
3. | 把雞肉和地瓜粉放進一個塑膠袋裡,抖動塑膠袋讓每塊雞肉都裹到粉。裹好粉的雞塊放袋裡等約5分鐘讓其反潮(也就是讓雞肉汁液稍微潤濕裹粉,這樣炸時裹粉比較不會掉)。 |
4. | 平底鍋裡加熱炸油,油大約到雞肉的2/3高度。拿一小塊肉渣放進鍋裡,如果馬上浮上來就是油溫已夠。將雞塊輕輕地放進鍋裡用350°F(175°C)炸4分鐘,翻面後再炸4分鐘。開大火炸1分鐘,翻面再炸1分鐘。 |
5. | 將炸好的雞塊放在餐巾紙上吸去過多的油後裝盤,佐以綜合生菜和檸檬塊。 |

1. | Cut the chicken into 1.5" x 1.5" cubes. |
2. | Mix the chicken with soy sauce, sugar, salt, sake, grated garlic and grated ginger in a bowl and marinate for at least 30 minutes. |
3. | Place the chicken and yam starch in a plastic bag. Shake the bag to coat each cube with yam starch. Leave the chicken in the bag for 5 minutes to allow the chicken to release juices that will moisturize the coating. By doing so, the coating will stay in place when you deep-fry the chicken. |
4. | Heat oil in a pan - the oil level should equal to 2/3 of the chicken height. Test the oil temperature by placing a small piece of coated meat in the pan. If it comes to the top immediately, the oil is ready for frying. Gently place the coated chicken in the pan and deep-fry in 350°F(175°C) for 4 minutes; turn the chicken over and fry for another 4 minutes. Turn the heat to high. Fry the chicken for 1 minute, turn the chicken over and fry for 1 more minute. |
5. | Place the fried chicken on paper towels to absorb the excessive oil. Serve with mixed spring green and lemon wedges. |
最後更新 (Last Update): 09/14/2020
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