棗泥餡 Date Puree

材料 Ingredients
去核紅棗 Pitted red date1 磅 lb (450g)
水 Water4 杯 cup
花生油 Peanut oil 1/4 杯 cup
砂糖 Sugar1/2 杯 cup
麥芽糖 Maltose2 大匙 Tbs

1. 花生油可以用其它食用油像橄欖油或豬油等替代。
2. 請依照個人喜歡甜度調整糖的份量。
1. Peanut oil can be substituted with other fat or cooking oil, such as olive oil or lard.. etc.
2. Adjust the quantity of sugar for desired sweetness.

1.電鍋外鍋放2/3杯水(等於一量杯) 。 將紅棗和4杯水放進內鍋﹐加蓋煮到開關跳起來。
4. 將磨好的紅棗泥,花生油,砂糖,麥芽糖放進炒菜鍋先用大火翻炒15分鐘後用中小火炒到水份完全收乾即可﹐約再10分鐘。

1.Place 2/3 cup of water (=1 rice cooker measurement cup) in a rice cooker. Add the red dates and 4 cups of water in the pot. Cover and cook until the switch is off.
2.Using a slotted spoon to transfer the red dates to a blender. Puree the red dates. Add as less of water as possible.
3.Transfer the date puree on a strainer. Place the strainer above a bowl. Use a dough roller or a spoon to grind the red date puree. The skins of the red dates will leave in the strainers, and the rest will go to the bowl.
4. Place the grinded red dates, peanut oil, sugar and maltose in a wok. Stir-fry them at high heat for 15 minutes. Turn the heat to medium-low and continue stir-frying until all the liquid is absorbed, approx. 10 minutes more.

最後更新 (Last Update): 12/19/2013
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