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1. | 烤箱預熱到450°F (230°C)。 |
2. | 彩椒洗乾淨後擦乾。切去頭部後切開攤平並除去籽。 |
3. | 烤盤鋪上錫箔紙,再鋪上彩椒,皮面朝上。彩椒不可重疊。 |
4. | 放進烤箱用上火烤到表面焦黑,大約15分鐘。中途要調轉烤盤這樣才會烤的均勻。 |
5. | 取出烤盤。將錫箔紙對折封緊,彩椒包在其中。放置一旁等30分鐘。 |
6. | 打開錫箔紙。將每個彩椒的外皮撕去即可。 |

1. | Preheat the oven to 450°F (230°C). |
2. | Wash and dry the peppers. Cut the stem end off. Cut each pepper open and remove the seeds. |
3. | Cover the baking pan with a piece of foil. Place the peppers on the pan, skin side up. Do not overlap the peppers. |
4. | Boil the peppers until the skin is blacken, approx. 15 minutes. Rotate the pan in the half way so the peppers would be blacken evenly. |
5. | Remove the backing pan. Fold the foil together, seal and lock the peppers inside. Set it aside for 30 minutes. |
6. | Open the foil bag. Peel off the skin of the peppers. |
做法 (爐火版)﹕
1. | 將彩椒直接放在爐火上烤到一面變軟及呈焦黑後用夾子將彩椒轉面繼續烤,直到每面都焦黑。 |
2. | 烤好的彩椒放進玻璃碗裡,蓋上蓋子或覆蓋保潔膜燜15分鐘。 |
3. | 取出彩椒,撕去焦黑的外皮,然後去蒂去籽即可。 |
1. | Place the peppers on the gas stove burner over medium gas flame. Roast until the peppers are soft and charred. Use a tong to rotate the peppers and continue to roast until all surfaces are charred. |
2. | Place the roasted peppers in a glass bowl and cover with a lid or plastic wrap. Let it sit for 15 minutes. |
3. | Remove the peppers from the bowl. Peel off the charred skin, remove the stem and seeds. |
最後更新 (Last Update): 03/14/2014
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