材料 Ingredient
Note: The sorghum wine can be substituted with vodka. The dried fermented red rice is making the sausages red and it can be omitted.
1. | 將紅麴米浸泡在高粱酒裡至少1個小時。五花肉和梅頭肉切成大骰子大小,或請肉販將之絞成最大孔的絞肉。腸衣洗去鹽份後泡在水裡。 |
2. | 把肉,鹽,糖,醬油,蒜粉,五香粉,肉桂粉和胡椒粉放進攪拌缸。再將高粱酒經由濾網倒入缸裡,丟棄紅麴米。攪拌機裝上漿狀腳,用低速將肉与其它調味料拌勻,約1分鐘。如果沒有攪拌機就用手拌。 |
3. | 取一小團肉放進鍋裡乾煎,試吃後再調整調味料的份量。拌好的肉加蓋放進冰箱冰至少8個小時。 |
4. | 腸衣放在水龍頭下,將水灌入腸衣內,再將水排除。擠乾腸衣的水後將腸衣套在灌香腸器上,尾端打個結。我用的是Kitchenaid灌香腸器 (見圖)。你也可以將飲料塑膠瓶前12公分部份切下做成漏斗,腸衣套在瓶口上。 |
5. | 將肉餡灌進腸衣,邊灌邊整型,灌到腸衣剩下15cm。整條香腸做最後整型讓空氣排出。每隔12cm轉幾圈分成小節,如果這一節是向外轉,下一節就是向裡轉。最後將未打結的那一端也打個結。 |
6. | 用針在香腸表面平均刺洞,針要先用打火機燒一下殺菌。再將香腸每面刷上高粱酒。 |
7. | 將香腸吊起來用電風扇吹到腸衣變乾,約4個小時。由於沒有放防腐劑,香腸不能在室溫下晾太久。吹乾後立即放進冰箱,底部墊著紙巾冰1天。之後裝袋冷凍。 |
8. | 煎鍋燒熱後放進數條香腸和1杯水燒滾。加蓋用中小火煮2分鐘。移去蓋子,再繼續煎到水份收乾,要不時翻動香腸。加入1大匙油,繼續煎到香腸表面金黃。切片食用并佐以青蒜苗片或大蒜片。 |

1. | Soak the dried red fermented rice in the sorghum wine for at least 1 hour. Cut the pork belly and pork butt into large dice size. Or ask your butcher to coarsely ground the meat for you. Rinse the casings to get rid of the salt. Immerse them in water. |
2. | Place the meat, salt, sugar, soy sauce, granulated garlic, five spices powder, cinnamon and white pepper powder in a mixing bowl. Pour in the sorghum win through a strainer and discard the red fermented rice. Attach a flat beater to the mixer and mix the meat until the seasonings are well blended, about 1 minute. If you don't have a mixer, mix it with your hands. |
3. | Pan-fry a lump of meat in a pan. Taste the meat and adjust the seasonings as desired. Cover the marinated meat and store in the fridge for at least 8 hours. |
4. | Run water through the casings, then squeeze the water off. Slip a casing onto the tube of a sausage stuffer. Tie a knot on the end of the casing. I use the Kitchenaid Sausage Stuffer (See picture). You can cut off the first 5" of a soft drink plastic bottle to make it a funnel. Slip a casing onto the mouth of the bottle. |
5. | Stuff the sausages until there is 6" long of casing left. Shape the sausages and push out the air. Make the sausages to 5" long links by spin each link several times. If you spin one link outwardly, then spin the next link inwardly. Tie a knot on the end. |
6. | Use a needle to evenly pick the surface of the sausages, especially the places with air bubbles. Sterilize the needle first by heating it with a lighter. Brush some sorghum wine all over the sausages. |
7. | Hang the sausages. Blow dry them by an electric fan for 6 hours. Since there is no preservative in the sausages, they can't be in the room temperature too long. Store the sausages in the fridge for 1 day, with paper towels underneath. After then, bag the sausages and store them in the freezer. |
8. | Add 1 cup of water and 6 links of sausages in a heated pan and let the water boil. Cover and cook the sausages in medium-low heat for 2 minutes. Remove the lid and cook until the pan is almost dry. Turn the sausages frequently. Add 1 tbs. of oil and continue to cook until the sausages are golden brown. Slice the sausages and serve with garlic leek slices or garlic slices. |
最後更新 (Last Update): 03/29/2014
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