紅醬 Tomato Sauce/Marinara Sauce

材料 Ingredients
全番茄罐頭 Canned whole tomatoes2 罐 can (28oz)
老母雞 Stewing Hen 1 隻 ea
特級初炸橄欖油 Extra virgin olive oil 1/4 杯 cup
胡蘿蔔 (小) Carrot (small) 1 根 ea
芹菜 Celery2 根 stalk
洋蔥(小) Onion (small) 1 個 ea
大蒜 Garlic 3 瓣 clove
澀紅酒 Dry red wine1/2 杯 cup
月桂葉 Bay leaf 1 片 ea
新鮮迷迭香 Fresh rosemary 2 根 stalk
鹽 Salt1/2+1/2 小匙 tsp
黑胡椒 Black pepper1/4+1/4 小匙 tsp
新鮮羅勒葉 Fresh basil 1/4 杯 cup



Note: The stewing hen can be substituted with regular chicken. After removing from the sauce, the chicken can be served a dish.

1.罐頭番茄用磨泥器(food mill)磨成泥。保留罐頭裡的汁。胡蘿蔔,芹菜和洋蔥切成小小丁。大蒜切成末。迷迭香取葉子略切。

1. Puree the canned tomatoes with a food mill. Reserve the can juice. Finely dice the carrot, celery and onion. Mince the garlic. Remove the rosemary leaves from the stems and roughly chop.
2. Rinse the stewing hen and pat it dry with paper towels. Cut open the chicken and press it flat. Season both sides with ½ tsp. of salt and ¼ tsp. of black pepper.
3.Add the ¼ cup of olive oil and the chicken (skin side down) to a dutch oven. Pan-fry the chicken until golden brown on both sides. Set the chicken aside.
4.Add the carrot, celery, onion and garlic and sauté until the vegetables are tender, about 5 minutes. Pour in the red win, rosemary and bay leave and deglaze (loose the brown bits on the bottom) the pot with a wooden spoon. Return the chicken to the pot. Continue to cook until the pot is almost dry.
5.Add the tomato puree with juice, ½ tsp of salt and ¼ tsp. of black pepper for seasoning. Bring the mixture to a boil then turn the heat to low. Cover and cooking for 90 minutes.
6.Remove and discard the chicken and bay leave. Torn the basils into small pieces and mix them with the red sauce.


紅醬義大利麵圖片 紅醬燴雞圖片
紅醬義大利麵 Spaghetti in Red Sauce 紅醬燴雞 Chicken in Red Sauce

最後更新 (Last Update): 04/02/2014
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