材料 Ingredients
Note: The stewing hen can be substituted with regular chicken. After removing from the sauce, the chicken can be served a dish.
1. | 罐頭番茄用磨泥器(food mill)磨成泥。保留罐頭裡的汁。胡蘿蔔,芹菜和洋蔥切成小小丁。大蒜切成末。迷迭香取葉子略切。 |
2. | 老母雞洗乾淨擦乾,對切開來後壓平。雞兩面抹上1/2小匙的鹽和1/4小匙的黑胡椒。 |
3. | 鍋燒熱後加入1/4杯橄欖油。放進老母雞(皮向下)用中大火煎呈金黃。翻面繼續煎到金黃。夾出雞肉備用。 |
4. | 原鍋加入胡蘿蔔,芹菜,洋蔥和大蒜末用中火炒到蔬菜變軟,約5分鐘。放進迷迭香,月桂葉和紅酒並用木杓將鍋底咖啡色的殘留物刮鬆。將雞肉放回鍋裡,繼續煮到紅酒幾乎收乾。 |
5. | 倒入番茄泥和罐頭汁,并加入1/2小匙的鹽和1/4小匙的黑胡椒調味。把湯汁燒滾後轉成最小火,加蓋煮1小時30分鐘。 |
6. | 夾出雞肉和月桂葉丟棄不要。最後將羅勒葉撕成小塊加入醬汁中。 |

1. | Puree the canned tomatoes with a food mill. Reserve the can juice. Finely dice the carrot, celery and onion. Mince the garlic. Remove the rosemary leaves from the stems and roughly chop. |
2. | Rinse the stewing hen and pat it dry with paper towels. Cut open the chicken and press it flat. Season both sides with ½ tsp. of salt and ¼ tsp. of black pepper. |
3. | Add the ¼ cup of olive oil and the chicken (skin side down) to a dutch oven. Pan-fry the chicken until golden brown on both sides. Set the chicken aside. |
4. | Add the carrot, celery, onion and garlic and sauté until the vegetables are tender, about 5 minutes. Pour in the red win, rosemary and bay leave and deglaze (loose the brown bits on the bottom) the pot with a wooden spoon. Return the chicken to the pot. Continue to cook until the pot is almost dry. |
5. | Add the tomato puree with juice, ½ tsp of salt and ¼ tsp. of black pepper for seasoning. Bring the mixture to a boil then turn the heat to low. Cover and cooking for 90 minutes. |
6. | Remove and discard the chicken and bay leave. Torn the basils into small pieces and mix them with the red sauce. |
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紅醬義大利麵 Spaghetti in Red Sauce | 紅醬燴雞 Chicken in Red Sauce |
最後更新 (Last Update): 04/02/2014
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