材料 Ingredients
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1. | 糙米略為沖洗後濾乾。乾野菇用熱水浸泡一小時後濾乾切成小丁。洋蔥去皮後切丁。培根切成細條。 |
2. | 炒鍋燒熱後放進1大匙橄欖油和培根,用中火炒到培根變酥脆。將油盛出,留2大匙在鍋裡。 |
3. | 加入洋蔥,鹽和白胡椒用中火炒到洋蔥變透明。放進野菇翻炒一分鐘後再加入糙米翻炒1分鐘。將所有材料移進電鍋內鍋。 |
4. | 倒入高湯。請自行依照糙米種類調整高湯份量。 |
5. | 依照電鍋平常煮白飯的方式煮﹐煮完後燜 20 分鐘。 (註﹕也可以在爐子上將湯燒滾後關成小火﹐加蓋繼續用小火煮到飯熟﹐約 15 分鐘。火關掉再燜 10 分鐘。) |
6. | 用叉子將飯翻鬆,再拌進巴西利葉即可。 |

1. | Rinse and drain the brown rice. Soak the dried mushrooms in hot water for 1 hour then drain. Peel and dice the onion. Cut the bacon into thin strips. |
2. | Add 1 tbs of olive oil and the bacon in a heated wok. Sauté until the bacon becomes crispy. Remove the oil but leave 2 tbs in the wok. |
3. | Add the onion, salt and ground white pepper and sauté over medium heat until the onion is translucent. Place in the mushrooms and stir for 1 minute. Add the brown rice and stir for another minute. Transfer everything into the pot of a rice cooker. |
4. | Add the stock. Please adjust the quantity of the stock according to the type of brown rice you use. |
5. | Cook the rice based on the rice cooker instruction. When it is done, leave it covered for 20 minutes. (Note: You also can cook the rice on a stove. Bring the rice mixture to a boil. Cover the pot and cook over low heat until the rice is done, approx 15 minutes. Turn off the heat and let the covered pan sit for another 10 minutes. |
6. | Fluff the rice with a fork. Mix in the minced parsley to serve. |
最後更新 (Last Update): 08/12/2015
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