Note: The weight of the daikon on the recipe is the net weight after peeling the skin.
1. | 將蘿蔔洗乾淨削皮後刨成絲。 |
2. | 炒鍋燒熱後加入2大匙油,蘿蔔絲,鹽﹐糖和白胡椒後拌炒數下。 |
3. | 加入一罐雞湯和1杯水﹐蓋上鍋蓋用大火燒滾後轉中小火繼續煮到蘿蔔變軟。 |
4. | 粘米粉和2-1/4杯水攪拌均勻。 |
5. | 將黏米糊倒進鍋裡與蘿蔔拌勻並嘗試味道。火轉成中火﹐然後不停地攪拌一直到攪不動的程度。 |
6. | 8"x8"烤盆抹上薄薄一層油。 |
7. | 將蘿蔔米糊倒進烤盆內﹐用刮刀將表面抹平,然後放進蒸籠用大火蒸40分鐘即可。蘿蔔糕等放置數小時後再食用口感會更好。 |
8. | 食用時可切片後用一點油煎到金黃,再沾大蒜醬油。 |

1. | Wash and peel the daikon. Shred it with a mandoline or grater. |
2. | Add 2 tbs of oil and the shredded daikon in a heated wok and sauté for 1 minute. Add the salt, sugar and white pepper and mix. |
3. | Add the chicken broth and 1 cup of water in the wok. Cover and cook until the daikon is tender. |
4. | Mix the rice flour with 2-1/4 cups of water. |
5. | Add the rice flour batter to the wok and mix it with the daikon mixture. Vigorously stir the batter until it becomes very hard to stir. |
6. | Grease a 8"x8" baking pan. |
7. | Place the batter in the baking pan. Use a spatula to smooth the surface. Bring the water in a steamer to a boil. Place the baking pan in the steamer and steam over high heat for 40 minutes. For better taste, let the rice cakes sit for several hours before serve. |
8. | Slice the daikon rice cake and pan-fry with little oil until golden brown. Serve with garlic soy sauce (minced garlic in soy sauce). |
最後更新 (Last Update): 12/04/2015
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