材料 Ingredients
註: 黑糖和2大匙水可由1/4杯蜜糖取代。
Note: The muscovado sugar and 2 tbs. of water can be substituted with ¼ cup of molasse.
1. | 把黑糖和2大匙的水放進小鍋裡用中火煮到開始冒大泡泡及變黏稠後熄火,要不時攪動。 |
2. | 加入剩餘材料(除了牛油)攪拌均勻。再用中火煮到醬汁剩下一半後用濾網過濾。最後加入牛油攪拌至牛油融化。 |

1. | Place the muscovado sugar and 2 tbs. of water in a sauce pan and cook over medium heat until the syrup is bubbly and thick, stir consistently. Turn the heat off. |
2. | Stir in the remaining ingredients (except for butter) to combine. Cook over medium heat until the sauce reduces by half, stir occasionally. Filter the sauce through a sieve. Add the butter and stir until it is melted. |
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咖啡蜜糖炙豬排 Coffee Molasses Grilled Pork Chop |
最後更新 (Last Update): 01/13/2016
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