材料 Ingredients
1. | 馬鈴薯刷洗乾淨後切成0.3cm薄片。浸泡在冷水中半小時後濾乾。將牛油平均塗在烤盤內側。烤箱預熱到375˚F(190°C)。 |
2. | 將對半奶油,大蒜,1/4小匙鹽和1/8小匙黑胡椒裝進一個微波爐食用的容器,用強力微1分30秒。也可在小鍋裡煮熱。 |
3. | 在烤盤內鋪上一層馬鈴薯片,撒上1大匙蔥粒,1/4小匙鹽,1/8小匙黑胡椒和1/8小匙肉荳蔻粉。重複兩次共鋪三層。輕輕地壓馬鈴薯將之壓實後倒入熱的對半奶油。用錫箔紙覆蓋住烤盤,放進烤箱烤50分鐘。 |
4. | 將溫度調高到425˚F(220°C)。拿掉錫箔紙繼續烤15分鐘。取出烤盤,平均倒入1/2杯的鮮奶油和撒上帕梅善起司粉,放進烤箱再烤到頂部起泡並呈金黃色,大約再20分鐘。 |
5. | 取出烤盤讓其休息10分鐘再切食,這樣馬鈴薯才能充分吸收奶油。 |

1. | Scrub the potatoes clean. Cut them into 1/8" thin slices (better use a mandoline). Soak the potatoes in cold water for 30 minutes then drain. Grease the inside of a casserole pan with 1 tbs. of butter. Preheat the oven to 375˚F(190°C). |
2. | Place the half-and-half, garlic, ¼ tsp. of salt and 1/8 tsp. of black pepper in a microwave safe container and microwave over high heat for 1 minute and 30 seconds. You also can simmer them in a small sauce pan. |
3. | Place a layer of potato slices on the bottom of the casserole pan then sprinkle with 1 tbs. of diced scallion, ¼ tsp. of salt, 1/8 tsp. of black pepper and 1/8 tsp. of nutmeg. Repeat this twice to make three layers. Gently press the potato down to compact them. Pour in the hot half-and-half mixture. Cover the pan with a piece of foil. Bake in the oven for 50 minutes. |
4. | Increase the oven temperature to 425˚F(220°C). Remove the foil from the casserole pan and continue to bake for 15 minutes. Take out the pan and pour ½ cup of heavy cream and sprinkle the parmesan cheese all over the surface. Return to the oven and bake until the top is bubbling and golden brown, approx. 20 minutes. |
5. | Remove the casserole pan from the oven and let it sit for 10 minutes before serving so the potatoes could absorb the cream. |
最後更新 (Last Update): 01/12/2016
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