1. | 雞取出內臟後,用水沖洗乾淨,濾乾再用紙巾擦乾。 |
2. | 用剪刀煎去雞屁股和週圍的脂肪。 |
3. | 再剪去脖子多餘的皮和脂肪。 |
4. | 將雞腿拉開,用利刀從雞腿和連結身體的部位切開,再斬斷連結的骨頭。 |
5. | 同步驟4做法將雞翅卸下。 |
6. | 順著雞尾部到雞脖子,用剪刀沿著雞背骨一側剪開,再將另一側也剪開取出雞背骨。保留雞背骨熬製高湯用。 |
7. | 雞胸面向下,從中間剁開成兩片帶骨的雞胸。 |
8. | 依照需要將雞腿,雞翅和雞胸切成適當大小。 |

1. | Remove the giblets from the chicken. Rinse the chicken, drain and pat dry with paper towels. |
2. | Use a pair of kitchen scissors to cut off the chicken butt and surrounded fat. |
3. | Scissor off the excessive neck skin and surrounded fat. |
4. | Hold up one leg away the body. Use a sharp knife to slice between body and thigh then pop the hip bone. Repeat this step for the other leg. |
5. | Use the same technique to remove the wings. |
6. | With the chicken breast-side-down, scissor down each side of the back bone from the cavity opening up to the neck. Reserve the backbone for stock. |
7. | Cut the remaining chicken along the middle seam into two chicken breasts. |
8. | Cut the chicken legs, wings and breast into desired sizes. |
最後更新 (Last Update): 11/16/2016
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