韓式辣味燒豆腐 Dubu Jorim (Korean Braised Tofu)

材料 Ingredients
板豆腐 Firm Tofu 1 盒 pack
韓國細辣椒粉 Korean red pepper flake 1 大匙 Tbs
蔥粒 Diced scallion 2 大匙 Tbs
韓式燒醬 Korean stir-fried sauce 2 份 portion
大蒜末 Minced garlic 1 小匙 tsp
食用油 Cooking oil 3 大匙 Tbs

1.準備好韓式燒醬 後加入辣椒粉和蔥粒拌勻。將豆腐切成16塊。

1.Prepare Korean Stir-Fried Sauce . Mix the sauce with diced scallion and Korean red chili flakes. Cut the tofu into 16 equal pieces.
2. Add 2 tbs. of oil in a heated pan. Place in the tofu pieces one by one. Press each tofu on a paper towel before being placed in the pan to avoid oil spilling. Pan-fry the totu over medium heat until golden brown on the bottom. Turn the tofu over
3. Spoon the Korean Stir-Fried Sauce on top of the tofu. Cook over medium low heat for 3 minutes. Plate the tofu and sauce.

最後更新 (Last Update): 11/28/2017
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