材料 Ingredients
Note: Traditional recipe uses dried salted cod. Rise off the salt then soak the dried cod in water for couple days to dehydrate. Need to change water every couple hours.
1. | 鱈魚片平鋪在盤子裡,不要重疊。均勻撒上海鹽,放進冰箱裡冷藏一個小時。 |
2. | 取出魚片並在水龍頭下沖去鹽份。將魚片浸泡在清水裡15分鐘,水要蓋過魚片。 |
3. | 煮開一鍋水後轉小火,將魚片轉移到熱水裡用小火煮熟,約6分鐘。取出魚片放置一旁。 |
4. | 馬鈴薯去皮切成大塊。 |
5. | 將馬鈴薯放進剛剛煮魚的熱水中,加蓋用中火煮到馬鈴薯變軟,叉子很容易插進去的程度,約13分鐘。將整鍋馬鈴薯倒進一個濾网濾乾,再將馬鈴薯倒回同一個的鍋裡。開中小火燒約2分鐘讓鍋底的水份收乾。 |
6. | 用叉子將魚肉弄碎。 |
7. | 將所有材料放進一個大碗裡,用打泥器或叉子背面將馬鈴薯壓成泥狀。 |
8. | 舀出1/4杯的馬鈴薯/魚泥,再整成橄欖球形狀。將剩餘馬鈴薯/魚泥依樣做好。 |
9. | 每個丸子裹上一層薄薄的麵粉。 |
10. | 炸油燒熱到330°F(165°C)。分批將馬鈴薯/魚丸炸成金黃色。將炸好的丸子放在紙巾上吸去過多的油份。 |

1. | Place the code filets in a deep dish, do not overlap. Spread the salt over the cod and wait for 1 hour. |
2. | Rinse the salt off the cod. Soak the filets in cold water for 15 minutes. The water must cover the fish. |
3. | Bring a pot of water to a boil then turn the heat to low. Add the fish and simmer until the fish is cooked through, approx.. 6 minutes. Transfer the fish to a bowl and set it aside. |
4. | While cooking the fish, peel the potatoes and cut them into pieces. |
5. | Add the potatoes to the hot water that was used to cooked fish. Cover and cook in medium heat until the potatoes are tender (a fork can easily poke through), approx. 13 minutes. Pour the potatoes into a colander and drain the water. Return them back to the same pot and cook in medium-low heat for 2 minutes to dry the water on the bottom of the pot. |
6. | Flake the fish with a fork. |
7. | Place all the ingredient in a big bowl. Use a masher or the back of a fork to mash the potatoes until they become puree. |
8. | Take ¼ cup of the mashed potato/cod mixture and form into football shape. Do the same for the rest. |
9. | Lightly coat each ball with flour. |
10. | Heat the oil to 330°F(165°C).。Deep fry the potato/cod balls in batches until golden brown. Transfer the fritters onto paper towels to absorb the excessive oil. |
最後更新 (Last Update): 11/24/2017
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