材料 Ingredients
1. | 番茄去籽擠乾後切成小丁。紅洋蔥去皮後切成小丁。塞拉諾辣椒去籽後切成細丁(喜歡辣味可以不去籽)。香菜連莖帶葉切碎。萊姆擠汁備用。 |
2. | 將每個酪梨對半切開,去核後用刀尖劃出格子,再用湯匙挖出到碗裡。加入1大匙萊姆汁,1/4小匙鹽和1/8小匙黑胡椒,用叉子將酪梨壓成泥,要保留些許塊狀,不要壓得過細。 |
3. | 將番茄,紅洋蔥,辣椒,香菜,1大匙萊姆汁,1/3小匙鹽和1/4小匙黑胡椒加入碗裡拌勻。 |
4. | 覆蓋保潔膜在做好的酪梨醬上,靜置1小時後再食用。 |

1. | Seed and dice the plum tomato. Peel and dice the red onion. Seed and finely chop the serrano chili (include the seeds for spicier flavor). Finely chop the cilantro stems & leaves. Extract the juice from the lime. |
2. | Cut each avocado in half and remove the seed. Use the tip of a knife to score the inside of the avocado then scoop out the flesh with a spoon into a bowl. Add 1 tbs. of lime juice, ¼ tsp. of salt and 1/8 tsp. of black pepper. Mash the avocado with a fork until it is mushy but still little chunky - do not over mash. |
3. | Add the tomato, red onion, serrano chili, cilantro, 1 tbs. of lime juice, 1/3 tsp. of salt and ¼ tsp. of black pepper and mix well. |
4. | Cover the guacamole with a piece of plastic wrap. Let it sit 1 hour before serve. |
最後更新 (Last Update): 04/12/2018
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