1. | 將6杯水與3大匙蘇打粉在一大盆內調勻。 |
2. | 乾魷魚用水沖洗過後放進盆裡。如果魷魚過大,將之剪成兩半。另取一小盤裝滿水壓在魷魚上,以免魷魚浮起來。 |
3. | 將盆子放進冰箱,讓魷魚浸泡在水裡至少12個小時。 |
4. | 取出魷魚並將蘇打水倒掉並沖洗魷魚。 |
5. | 大盆重新注入8杯清水,放進魷魚再浸泡2個小時。將水倒掉,重新換乾淨的水,再繼續泡2個小時。如果此時的魷魚尚未達到你想要的軟度,換水再繼續浸泡。 |
6. | 取出魷魚用冷水沖洗後擦乾。烹煮前撕去魷魚的外膜和軟骨。 |

1. | Mix 6 cups of water and 3 tbs. of baking soda in a big bowl. |
2. | Rinse the dried squid then soak it in the water. If the squid is too big, cut it in half. Place a small plate of water on top of the squid so it won’t float above the water. |
3. | Store the squid in the fridge for for at least 12 hours. |
4. | Remove the squid from the fridge discard the baking soda water. Rinse the squid. |
5. | Refill the big bowl with 8 cups of water. Add the squid and soak for 2 hours. Replace the water with fresh water and continue to soak for another 2 hours. If the squid hasn't reach desired tenderness, change water again and continue to soak the squid. |
6. | Take out the squid from the bowl, rinse under cold water and pat dry with paper towels. Remove the outer membrane and cartilage before cooking. |
最後更新 (Last Update): 06/27/2018
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