泰式花生沾醬 Thai Peanut Sauce

材料 Ingredients
花生醬 Creamy peanut butter5 大匙 Tbs
椰奶 Coconut milk1/2 杯 cup
糖 Sugar1/2 大匙 Tbs
蘋果醋 Apple cider vinegar1 大匙 Tbs
泰國紅咖哩醬 Thai red curry paste1 小匙 tsp
碎花生(可免) Chopped peanut (optional)1 大匙 Tbs

做法: 將花生醬,椰奶,糖,蘋果醋和紅咖哩醬放進小鍋裡用中小火煮到全部融合,要不斷攪拌。待涼後拌入碎花生。
Method: Place the peanut butter, coconut milk, sugar, apple cider vinegar and red curry paste in a small pot. Cook over medium-low heat until well combined, stir consistently. When the sauce cools down, mix in the chopped peanuts.


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最後更新 (Last Update): 06/28/2018
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