Silky Fowl Soup with Dried Abalone
1. | Remove the chicken neck, feet and butt. Rinse the mustard green and cut the leaves in half. |
2. | Boil 2/3 pot of water. Place the chicken into the boiling water for 3 minutes, turn the chicken if the water doesn't cover the chicken. Take out the chicken and discard the water. Rinse the chicken roughly. |
3. | Boil enough water to cover the chicken in the same pot. Place the chicken back to the pot and cook until the water is boiling again. Skim off the foams on top of the soup. |
4. | Add the ginger, dried abalone and rice wine. Cover and simmer for 35 minutes. Turn the heat off and let it sit for another 40 minutes with lid on. |
5. | Arrange the chicken, abalone and green mustard in a clay pot. Cut the chicken in half if it is too large to fit in the pot. Also if you don't like the strong mustard green flavor in the soup, blanch the mustard green first. |
6. | Add the chicken soup, goji and 2 tsp. of salt. Cook over medium heat for 5 minutes. |

1. | 剁掉雞脖子,雞腳和雞屁股。芥菜洗乾淨後切成大塊。 |
2. | 燒開2/3鍋的水。將雞放進滾水內燙3分鐘﹐每面都要燙到。倒掉熱水﹐撈出雞用冷水沖洗乾淨。 |
3. | 另再燒開足夠蓋過雞份量的水。將雞放回鍋大火煮滾後浮在湯上的渣滓撇掉。 |
4. | 加入薑片,乾鮑魚片和酒。加蓋後關最小火煮35分鐘。熄火,再燜40分鐘。 |
5. | 將雞,鮑魚片和芥菜擺入砂鍋。如雞太大,對切為二。另若不喜歡雞湯有菜味,可先將芥菜川燙後再入砂鍋。 |
6. | 將雞湯倒入砂鍋,加入枸杞和2小匙鹽用中火煮5分鐘即可 |

最後更新 (Last Update): 01/08/2021
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