廣東粥底 Cantonese Congee Base

材料 Ingredients
梅頭肉 Pork Shoulder1/4 磅 lb (113g)
鹽 Salt2 大匙 Tbs
長米飯 Cooked long grain rice2 杯 cup
水 Water10 杯 cup

3.將豬肉放進鍋裡,加水淹過豬肉。 開中大火將水煮滾1分鐘後熄火。將水倒掉並將豬肉沖洗乾淨。


1.Rub the pork with salt. Store the pork in the fridge overnight.
2.Store the rice in the freezer overnight.
3.Place the pork in a small pot. Add water until the water is over the pork. Cook over medium high heat and the water is boiling. Continue to cook for 1 minute then turn off the heat. Remove the pork from the water and rinse with water.
4.Place the rice, pork and 10 cups of water in a pressure cooker. Cook over high heat until the water is boiling. Turn the heat to the lowest and cook for 30 minutes. Turn off the heat. After the pressure is released, remove the lid and cook over medium-high heat for another 20 minutes, stir occasionally.
5.Remove the pork from the congee. The pork can be served for other dish.


皮蛋瘦肉粥圖片 生滾魚片粥圖片
皮蛋瘦肉粥 Cantonese Congee with Pork and Preserved Egg 生滾魚片粥 Cantonese Congee with Fish

最後更新 (Last Update): 08/05/2020
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