1. | 將烏賊放在工作檯上﹐把外層薄皮撕下。 |
2. | 一手握住身體﹐另一隻手握住頭輕輕扭轉把頭拉出來。 |
3. | 將頭部的長鬚切下﹐剩餘的不要。 |
4. | 將身體內的內臟及膠片取出來。 |
5. | 將身體從內翻轉出來在水龍頭下沖洗。長鬚也要洗。 |

1. | Place a squid on a working space. Peel the membrane-type skin off the body of the squid. |
2. | Hold the body in one hand, and grasp the head in the other hand. Gently twist the head and pull it off the body. |
3. | Cut the tentacles off from the head just below the eyes. Reserve the tentacles and discard the rest of the head. |
4. | Take the organ and clear cartilage out of the body. |
5. | Turn the body inside out and wash under running water. Also wash the tentacles. |
最後更新 (Last Update): 08/18/2013
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