材料 Ingredients
1. | 將魚切成 8cm x 3cm小塊。將洋菇切成厚片。將蔥切成 5cm小段。 |
2. | 將照燒醬汁準備好。 |
3. | 鍋燒熱後噴上少許油。放魚入鍋中火煎3分鐘到有點焦黃。 |
4. | 把魚翻面並推到一旁。放進洋菇片後與鮭魚繼續用中火煎3分鐘或到魚將近全熟。 |
5. | 放進蔥段煎 30 秒後﹐全部盛出裝盤。 |
6. | 趁熱淋上照燒汁即可食用。 |

1. | Cut the salmon into 3"x1" pieces. Roughly slice the mushrooms. Cut the scallions into 2" segments. |
2. | Prepare the Terikayi Sauce. |
3. | Heat the pan and spread some Pam oil. Pan-fry the salmon in medium heat until a little brown on the surface, approx. 3 minutes. |
4. | Turn the salmon strips over, and push them aside. Add the mushrooms. Continue pan-frying the salmon and mushrooms until the fish is almost done, approx 3 minutes. |
5. | Add scallions and pan-frying for another 30 seconds. Place the salmons and mushrooms on a plate. |
6. | Pour the Teriyaki Sauce over the salmons while they are still hot. |
最後更新 (Last Update): 08/23/2013
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