材料 Ingredients
1. | 生菜洗乾淨切成 5cm 小段。生蠔水略沖洗後濾乾。地瓜粉﹐水和鹽在一個小碗內調勻。 |
2. | 平底鍋內燒熱將 2 大匙油﹐放進生蠔用中小火煎 30 秒。 |
3. | 倒進地瓜糊攤成圓形狀。用中小火煎到地瓜糊變透明後加蛋在上面。 |
4. | 將蛋用鍋鏟打散。用中小火繼續煎到地瓜糊邊緣已開始變金黃色後加上生菜﹐然後翻面繼續煎到另一面呈金黃色即可。 |
5. | 食用時佐以台灣小吃醬。 |

1. | Wash the lettuce leaves and cut them into 5 cm segments. Wash the oyster under running water and drain. Mix the yam starch, water and salt in a small bowl. |
2. | Heat 2 tbs of oil in a pan. Add the oysters and pan-fry at medium-low heat for 30 seconds. |
3. | Pour the yam starch batter over the oyster. Pan-fry the batter at medium heat until it becomes translucent. Add the egg on top of the starch pancake. |
4. | Break the egg with a spatula。 Continue pan-frying the pancake at medium-low heat until the edge becomes golden brown. Add the lettuce and flip the pancake over. Continue cooking until the other side is golden brown too. |
5. | Serve the oyster pancake with the Dipping Sauce for Taiwanese Snacks. |
最後更新 (Last Update): 09/07/2013
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