材料 Ingredients
Note: You can use any fresh white meat fish for this dish.
1. | 香菇用水泡軟後對切。芡粉加水調勻。 |
2. | 將魚洗乾淨後剪掉背鰭﹐然後在魚身斜劃四刀至骨。將火腿片塞在切口中﹐上再放香菇。 |
3. | 將魚 1 小匙鹽抹在魚身上﹐兩面都要抹到。 |
4. | 蒸籠水燒滾。將兩根筷子和蔥薑放在蒸魚盤上﹐再把魚放在筷子上。淋上 1 大匙酒。將魚放進蒸籠用大火蒸 7 分鐘。(每 100克g 需要 1.5 分鐘蒸的時間。我的魚是 450克 所以要蒸 7 分鐘。) |
5. | 蒸完後取出魚連盤子﹐把筷子抽出。 |
6. | 將整魚盤內的魚汁經由濾網倒回鍋裡燒滾。加入芡粉水勾芡後再均勻淋到魚身上。趁熱食用。 |

1. | Soak the shitake mushroom in water until soft. Cut each one into halves. Mix the corn starch with water. |
2. | Clean the fish. Cut 4 diagonal lines on one side of the fish, deep to the bone. Insert the ham slices into the cuts. Place the shitake mushrooms on top of the ham. |
3. | Rub 1 tsp salt on both sides of the fish. |
4. | Bring the water in the steamer to a boil. Place 2 chopsticks, scallion and ginger on the steam plate, and place the fish over the chopsticks (so the fish skin will not stick to the plate.). Steam the fish in high heat for 7 minutes. (You need 1.5 minutes steam time for every 100g of fish). My fish weights 450 g, so I need 7 minutes.) |
5. | Set the fish and plate aside and pull out the chopsticks. |
6. | Pour all the juice on the plate back to a pot and bring to a boil. Add the corn starch water to make the sauce thick. Pour the boiling sauce back all over the fish. Serve hot. |
最後更新 (Last Update): 07/20/2013 :)
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