材料 Ingredients
註: 請肉販將排骨切成2.5cm寬長條。
Note: Ask your butcher to cut the spareribs into 1" wide strips.
1. | 把小排骨切成小塊後用水沖洗排骨2分鐘。然後泡在水裡,水要蓋過排骨。放進冰箱內等2小時後拿出。將血水倒掉後再重新沖洗2分鐘。此時排骨顏色已經變白。 |
2. | 將排骨濾乾後与魚露,鹽,糖,麻油,豆豉,蒜末和1大匙芡粉拌勻。放置一旁醃30分鐘。 |
3. | 加入3大匙与排骨仔細拌勻後裝盤,盡量裝一層不要重疊。淋2大匙油在排骨上,最後撒上紅辣椒末。 |
4. | 將蒸籠水燒開。把排骨放進蒸籠內用中大火蒸15分鐘即可。 |

1. | Cut the spare ribs in to small pieces. Rinse them under running water for 2 minutes, then soak them in a bowl of water (The water must cover the ribs). Store the ribs with water in the fridge for 2 hours. Take out the ribs, drain the blood water and rinse the ribs for 2 minutes again. The color of the ribs turns white now. |
2. | Pat the ribs dry with paper towels. Marinate the ribs with the fish sauce, salt, sugar, sesame oil, black bean, minced garlic and 1 tbs. of corn starch for 30 minutes |
3. | Mix 3 tbs. of corn starch with the spare ribs. Make sure that each piece is coated with corn starch. Plate the spare ribs in one layer. Drip 2 tbs. of oil all over the ribs then sprinkle with diced red chili pepper. |
4. | Bring the water in the steamer to a boil. Steam the spare ribs in medium-high heat for 15 minutes |
最後更新 (Last Update): 08/19/2020
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