材料 Ingredients
1. | 韭黃和香菜洗乾淨後切 2cm 小段。竹筍切細丁。肥豬肉剁碎。蝦仁對半切後裝在塑膠袋用肉槌打扁。 |
2. | 圓形腐皮劃三刀切成 6 等份。 |
3. | 芡粉和水調勻。 |
4. | 將絞肉醃料準備好。。 |
5. | 將蝦﹐肥肉﹐韭黃﹐竹筍﹐香菜和絞肉醃料放在一個大盆內順同一個方向攪拌均勻﹐再甩打 2分鐘。 |
6. | 取 1/9 蝦仁餡放在腐皮邊上 (寬的那一邊)﹐ 再摺成枕頭狀﹐腐皮邊抹上芡粉水封口。 |
7. | 6杯油燒熱到 250F (120C) 。放進鮮蝦腐皮捲用中火炸熟 (鮮蝦腐皮捲會膨脹浮在油上) 。起鍋前開大火炸 1分鐘讓皮變脆。 |
8. | 將炸好的鮮蝦腐皮捲放在餐巾紙上吸去過多的油。趁熱食用。 |
9. | 甜辣醬﹐海山醬或黑薑醋 |

1. | Wash the yellow chives and cilantro and cut them into 2cm segments. Chop the bamboo shoot and pork fat into tiny pieces. Horizontally cut each shrimp in half. Pound the shrimps in a plastic bag until the shrimps are mushy but still hold their shape. |
2. | Cut the round bean curd sheet into 6 equal parts. |
3. | Mix the corn starch with water. |
4. | Prepare the Light Ground Pork Marinade. |
5. | Mix the shrimp, pork fat, yellow chive, bamboo shoot, cilantro and Light Ground Pork Marinade in a big bowl. Stir the mixture in a constant direction until the mixture is smooth. Lift the mixture and throw it down with force. Repeat this for 2 minutes. |
6. | Place 1/9 of the mixture on the wide side of the cut bean curd sheet. Fold the mixture and bean curd sheet into a pillow shape. Spread the corn starch water on the edges of the bean curd sheet to seal the opening. |
7. | Heat 6 cups of oil to 250°F (120°C). Deep-fry the rolls in low heat until it is completely cooked (the rolls should expand and float). Turn the heat to high and deep-fry for another minute to make the skin crispy. |
8. | Place the fried rolls on a paper towel to absorb the excess oil. Serve hot. |
9. | Sweet & Spicy Sauce, Seamount Sauce or Dark Ginger Vinegar. |
最後更新 (Last Update): 07/14/2013 :)
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