1. | 選擇肥短結實﹐底部寬大的竹筍。筍節越少越好。 |
2. | 竹筍外皮要有光澤﹐不帶一絲綠色。 |
3. | 筍尖要密合呈土黃色。 |
4. | 竹筍底部的纖維不要太粗。 |
1. | 將竹筍在水龍頭下刷洗乾淨。 |
2. | 將竹筍放進滾水裡煮 15 分鐘去澀味。 |
3. | 用利刀從竹筍底部往上劃一刀後將外皮一層一層剝開。 |
4. | 將筍尖切掉﹐並削掉外層纖維化的部份。 |

1. | Choose short and solid bamboo shoots with a wide base. Try to find bamboo shoots with fewer layers. |
2. | The outer skin should have a sheen and should not be green. |
3. | The pointed tip is tightly closed with a dark brown yellow color. |
4. | Pick a bamboo shoot with a less fibrous base. |
1. | Brush the bamboo shoot under running water. |
2. | Cook the bamboo shoot in boiling water for 15 minutes to get rid of the bitterness. |
3. | Slit the side from the base. Unwrap the successive brown yellow layers. |
4. | Cut off the pointed tip. Trim off the layered fibrous outer part. |
最後更新 (Last Update): 07/13/2013©
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