材料 Ingredients
1. | 將黃豆泡水裡6–8個小時,水要蓋過黃豆。濾乾水份,泡黃豆的水不要。 |
2. | 將泡好的黃豆+12杯水放進果汁機分幾次打到黃豆變成細渣。 |
3. | 將黃豆汁放進濾袋內擠乾。擠出的汁就是生豆漿﹐而剩下的渣就是豆渣。 |
4. | 將生豆漿再過濾一次﹐濾掉泡泡和渣滓。 |
5. | 將生豆漿放進電鍋裡﹐,底部墊蒸盤,外鍋放1-1/2水煮開即可食用。也可以將豆漿裝鍋用爐火煮﹐但煮時要不斷攪動以免黏鍋底。 |
6. | 煮好的豆漿可以在冰箱內冷藏長到 5 天。 |

1. | Soak the soybeans in water for 6 – 8 hours. The water must cover the soy beans. Drain and discard the water. |
2. | Puree the soaked soybeans with 12 cups of water in a blender - divide it in several batches. |
3. | Sieve the mixture through a cheese cloth bag. The sieved liquid is raw soy milk and the remaining solid part is okara. |
4. | Pour the raw soy milk though a strainer to filter out the foams and tiny okaras. |
5. | Cook the raw soy milk in a rice cooker (Place 1 cup of water in the rice cooker.). You can cook the soy milk on a stove over low heat. But you need to constantly stir the soy milk to avoid burning on the bottom of the pot. |
6. | When the soy milk cools down, keep it in the fridge for up to 5 days. |
最後更新 (Last Update): 11/26/2013
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