材料 Ingredients
1. | 將魚肉切成 3cmx6cm厚片。蠔菇略微沖洗後馬上擦乾。將大朵的蠔菇對切成半。蘆筍洗乾淨後削去底部較老的皮。將蘆筍斜切成5cm小段。 |
2. | 將香橙醬汁準備好。 |
3. | 將魚肉用基本醃料醃 10分鐘。 |
4. | 將魚肉裹上 2 大匙太白粉。 |
5. | 4 大匙燒熱。加入魚肉用大火將兩面煎黃。將魚肉盛出備用。 |
6. | 鍋燒熱後放進香橙醬汁A料爆香。加入蘆筍和蠔菇爆炒數下。 |
7. | 加入香橙醬汁B料燒煮到醬汁變稠後加入魚片拌勻。撒上香橙醬汁C料即可起鍋。 |

1. | Cut the fish filet into 1"x2" pieces. Rinse the mushrooms and dry them immediately. Halve the large ones. Wash the asparagus and peel off the tough skin on the bottom. Diagonally cut them into 2" segments. |
2. | Get the Orange Sauce ready. |
3. | Marinate the fish with the Light Basic marinade for 10 minutes. |
4. | Coat the fish with 2 tbs tapioca starch. |
5. | Heat 4 tbs oil. Pan-fry the fish until golden brown on both sides. Set the fish aside. |
6. | Add the orange sauce part A into the wok and sauté until aromatic. Add the asparagus and mushroom and stir several times. |
7. | Add the orange sauce part B and cook until the sauce is thick. Add the fish and mix with sauce thoroughly. Sprinkle orange sauce part C over the fish. Serve hot. |
最後更新 (Last Update): 07/04/2013
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