材料 Ingredients
Note: Decrease the salt usage if using salted stock. You can substitute stock with water.
1. | 冬瓜削皮去籽後切成 4cm方塊。薑切成細絲。參考蛤蜊處理將蛤蜊清理乾淨。 |
2. | 將高湯燒滾後放入冬瓜塊和薑絲。等湯再滾後轉成中小火﹐加蓋煮 20分鐘。 |
3. | 轉大火。加入鹽,酒和蛤蜊後蓋上蓋子煮 5分鐘。打開蓋子將浮在湯上的泡沫渣滓撇掉。已打開蛤蜊先挾入碗內﹐等所有蛤蜊都開了後即可盛碗食用。 |

1. | Peel the winter melon and remove its seeds. Cut the melon into 1.5" cubes. Finely julienne the ginger. Refer to Handle Clamsto clean the clams. |
2. | Bring the unsalted stock to a boil. Add the winter melon and ginger. Turn the heat to medium-low after the soup is boiling again. Cover and cook for 20 min. |
3. | Turn the heat to high. Add the salt, wine and clams. Cover and cook for 5 minutes. Uncover and skim the foam from the top of the soup. Place the open clams in a big bowl. Transfer everything to the bowl after all the clams are open. |
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